February 23, 2008

Interview Invite from Ross

In an unexpected turn of events, I got an interview invite from Ross today.
After 2 dings, All hope is not lost! :)
Could any R1 and R2 Ross applicants share their interview experiences?
What can I expect in a Ross interview?

Dinged from GSB and Kellogg

Hmm, officially denied from both the M7 schools I applied..
I guess my GSB app wasnt upto the mark. It was a last minute decision and I didnt put too much thought into it..Just did what I felt right. It seemed decent to my reviewers though :-S
However my Kellogg app. I had worked on that app for more than a month. It was my last app and I had applied all the learnings from the other submissions into it. The least I expected was an interview call. My interview was waived off even before my R2 app submission and then I got dinged. :(

February 11, 2008

Duke telephonic interview

I am updating this blog after real long. I wasnt away from the blogosphere. But there wasnt too much to update about. I applied to six schools and not having heard from anyone of them, I was going through this cycle of apprehensions and disappointments. I have seen many of them who are in the same boat and others who have received invites from their target schools. I am real sure that this one of the toughest phases in the application cycle. Keeping the hope and not letting self-doubt creep in.

The only update so far has been receiving an telephonic interview invite from Duke. I had requested an alumni interview from Duke. And they have scheduled an telephonic interview - kind of videoconference (with Skype and Webcam..not sure if anyone else has such an interview experience. If so pls share your inputs). Its something good. However Duke interviews most of its applicant pool, (the on-campus interview is for all, only the alumni interviews are by invitation) I am not sure where I stand.

All I can do now is prepare well for the interview and do my best!

Folks, wish me luck

I received valuable inputs from Achilles and Mbabound on interview prep. Thanks a ton!
Anyone else in the blogosphere who is interviewing with Duke for R2?