November 23, 2007

ROSS Essays - Alternate profession

Ross essays have very stringent word limitiations. Compressing all your thoughts and passions in 300 words is way too difficult..

I am stuck with one of ROSS's essays about the alternate profession. I know what I would like to do, but I am confused what and how to express in just 300 words. Do I write about how I came to like that profession or why I am passionate about that or what I would I do in that profession. Ideally I would like express all the three. But it is simply impossible to sound convincing and substantiate your statements in such a short essay..
Suggestions plssssssssss???????

The second part of the question asks "how the alternate profession will help solve multidisciplinary problems". What are multidisciplinary problems in the first place and what is that the adcom expects?
This is also within the 300 word limit! Phew...

What did fellow ROSS applicants do?


Anonymous said...

Though I'm not applying to Ross, I actually started to write this one a bit two months back!
I think you shud use this question to reveal a different side of your personality. You can use some extra currics, say sports or event management to showcase ur team skills. Maybe ur community service exp to possibly say social entrepreneurship as alt career, in case your actual career goal is to start the next google ;-)

Amar Deshpande said...

Or maybe consider the world's *oldest* profession... seriously, it does not matter what you choose. As oops mentioned: try something that will tell them more about you.